any county, has omitted until the present period, to return
a certificate for a tract of land called "Expected," contain-
ing sixty-three and a half acres, which should have been
returned, and composition money paid, on or about the
third day of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, and
hence the Register of the Land Office of the Western Shore
rejects the reception of the same, the proper time for the re-
turn of the said certificate having expired, and to have an-
other survey made would incur an expense which the said
Alexander Robertson is unable to meet—Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Alexander Robertson, be, and he is hereby allowed further
time to compound on his certificate of survey, called "Ex-
pected," containing sixty-three and a half acres; Provided,
he shall have his certificate examined, and compound on
the same, and make return thereof to the Land Office on or
before the tenth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-
three, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided
nevertheless, that rights acquired in the said land by other
persons, since the issuing of said warrant, shall not be ef-
fected by any thing in this resolution.
No. 20.
Resolution requiring the Treasurer of the Western Shore,
to carry to the Tobacco Ware-house Sinking Fund, a
sum of money therein mentioned.
Resolved by the General Assembly Maryland, That the
Treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he hereby is, re-
quired to carry to the credit of the Tobacco Ware house
Sinking Fund, the sum of twelve thousand, five hundred
and sixty-three dollars and seventy cents, and to invest the
same in some productive public stock, on the best obtaina-
ble terms, to be applied towards the redemption of the loan
of forty-eight thousand dollars, negotiated in pursuance of
chapter two hundred and fifty-two, of eighteen hundred
and twenty-six.