with the addition of interest for the year in arrear, at their
next meeting, for laying the county levy or city tax.
CHAP. 317.
Interest to be ad-
ded to levy.
A supplement to an act, entitled, An act relating to Free Ne-
groes and Slaves, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty-one, chapter three hundred and twenty-
Passed Mar 23, 1833
WHEREAS, the introduction of Slaves into this State, ex-
cept in a few specified cases, has been and ought to be pro-
hibited; AND WHEREAS, a wise and consistent policy de-
mands that special acts of Legislation, on that subject,
should be avoided, and that all cases of hardship, justly
entitled to relief, be embraced under some general princi-
ples, in a single law — Therefore,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That nothing in any former act shall be constru-
ed to prohibit any person from again bringing into this
State any Slave, for life, who shall have been or may here-
Not construed to
prohibit slaves hiv-
ed out &c from
after be taken from this State and hired or lent to service
in any adjoining State or District for a limited time; Provi-
by any person, other than an actual inhabitant of this State,
who shall also be the owner of such slave, both at the time
of hiring or lending aforesaid and of bringing back the said
slave; or, in case of the death of the original owner, by his
heirs, executors, administrators, or legatees.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for any
person or persons, who may have, previously to the passage
of this act, purchased land in this State, with the bona fide
intention of residing thereon, or acquired by inheritance or
Persons having
previously pur-
chased land &c. to
reside thereon
otherwise, real estate, in this State, and intending to reside
thereon, to introduce into the State any slave owned by
them, at the passage of the act to which this is a supple-
May introduce
slaves then owned
ment; Provided, a list of said slaves, specifying their ages,
names, and sex, be left for record with the clerk of the
county court of the county into which they are so removed,
within thirty days thereafter, together with the affidavit of
the owner or owners, that the conditions required by this
section have been truly complied with, and that they are
not introduced for sale, and are slaves for life.
Lists recorded.