CHAP. 316.
Passed Mar. 13,1833
An act supplementary to an act relating to the University of
Graduation fee ac-
crue to Professors.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the graduation fees charged in the Medical depart-
ment of the University of Maryland, and which have been
generally regarded as perquisites for the time and labour
spent in the examination of candidates and their theses,
shall accrue to the proper use of the Professors in said de-
partment; Provided, that the rate of said fees shall not be
raised by said professors higher than twenty dollars.
Passed Mar. 23, 1833
An additional supplement to an act, entitled, "An act rela-
ting to the People Color in this State," passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, chapter two hun-
dred and eighty one.
WHEREAS, it appears that no certain time is, by the said
original act, limited, for the payment of the annual tax di-
rected to be levied by the eighth section thereof — There-
Collectors to pay
the tax into treasu-
ry by 1st July
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That unless the tax by the said original act di-
rected to be levied, for the year eighteen hundred and thir-
ty-two, shall be paid into the treasury on or before the first
Or table to pay
of July next, the collectors thereof shall be chargeable with
and pay, from that time, interest, at the rate of six per
centum per annum.
Hereafter by 1st
January annaully
Sec. 2. And be. it enacted, That the like tax levied, or to
be levied, for the current year, and to be hereafter levied
for any future year,' shall be paid into the treasury on or be-
fore the first of January next thereafter, and that upon so
Or chargeable with
much as shall not have been then so paid, interest shall be
charged and paid as aforesaid.
Case of levy being
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That in case the justices of
the levy court, or commissioners of any one or more of the
counties of this State, shall have failed to levy the portion
of tax authorized to be levied thereon by the act to which
this is a supplement, then and in that case it shall be the
duty of the said justices or commissioners, to levy the same,