CHAP. 317.
Person residing in
the district of Co-
lumbia &c and
holding real estate
in Maryland may
bring to said estate
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for any
person or persons, residing in that part of the District of
Columbia, ceded by the State of Maryland, to the United
States, and holding real estate in Maryland, to bring from
their residence, in the said part of the District, to their es-
tate in Maryland, any slave or slaves and their increase,
being slaves for life, which belonged to the said person or
persons, and which said slaves resided either in that part of
the District aforesaid or in Maryland, antecedent to the
passage of this act; and that it shall be lawful for any resi-
Removing for a
limited period to
the district.
dent of Maryland who has removed, or may hereafter re-
move to the District for a limited period, to carry with him,
her, or them, any slave or slaves, which he, she, or they,
May bring slaves
be ex again
may think proper, and to bring the same back into the
State of Maryland at pleasure; Provided, that any slave or
slaves introduced into this State, contrary to the provisions
of this section, and by colour of authority derived from this
section, shall be forfeited, in conformity with the provisions
of the fourth section of the act to which this is a supple-
Citizens ownerss
of land in an ad-
joining state work-
ed by their slaves
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That when any citizen of this
state, who may be owner of land in an adjoining state,
which he or she has been in the habit or may be desirous
May brings in such
of working with the labour of slaves owned by such citi-
zen, he or she shall be permitted to bring into this state
such slave or slaves whenever his or her convenience may
require; provided such slaves shall have resided in and been
removed by such citizen from this state.
Persons in service
of U.S. Govern-
ment may bring
back slaves
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That any citizen of this state,
who shall leave it for a limited time, in the service of the
government of the United States, or of this state, may
bring back with him on his return, any slaves, being his
slaves for life, that he may have taken away; and that in
His represetatives
may &c
case of his decease, it shall be lawful for his legal repre-
sentatives to re-introduce them into this state; provided the
name, age, and sex of every such slave be recorded previ-
ously to removal, in the office of the clerk of the county
court oi the county in which such citizen may be, together
with a declaration of the reasons ior departing, and of the
purpose of returning; and provided also, that a similar re-
cord shall be made within thirty days after the return of
any such slave.
Duty of clerk to
record such list
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
clerks of the respective counties, whenever any list of slaves
or other paper shall be left with them for record, in com-
pliance with the provisions of this act, to record the same;