payment as to all or any of said passengers become bound
to the clerk of such county with two sufficient securities to
be approved by such clerk in such sum not exceeding one
hundred and fifty dollars for each passenger as aforesaid,
as the clerk shall fix to indemnify and save harmless such
county and the trustees of the poor for such county from all
and every expense or charge which shall or may be incur-
red at any time within two years from such landing for the
maintenance and support of any such passenger as afore-
CHAP. 304.
Or become bound
said so imported, and if any alien passenger brought by
such vessel shall be permitted or suffered to land within any
aforesaid, in respect of any such passenger, the master or
commander of any such vessel shall forfeit and pay the
sum of one hundred dollars for every person so suffered or
If suffered to land
without - penalty
permitted to land as aforesaid, one half to the use of the
state, and the other to. the use of the informer, to be re-
covered in an action of debt or indictment in any county
court of any county in this state, where such master or
How recovered.
commander shall be arrested; Provided, that nothing in
this section shall be construed to extend to any such pas-
senger landed in the city of Baltimore.
A supplement to an act, entitled, "an act to Incorporate the
Baltimore and Port Deposit Rail Road Company," and
to an act, entitled, "an act to Incorporate the Delaware
and Maryland Rail Road Company."
Passed Mar.21,1 833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Baltimore and Port Deposit Rail Road
Company and the Delaware and Maryland Rail Road Com-
pany, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered
to form a union with each other, and also with such Rail
Road Companies as are or may be incorporated in the
states of Delaware and Pennsylvania, respectively, for the
purpose of constructing rail roads in the said States to
unite with the rail roads contemplated by the several acts
to which this is a supplement, so that the capital stock of
Union authorised.
all the said companies respectively shall constitute a com-
mon stock, and the respective companies shall constitute
Capitals united
one company, and be entitled, within this state, to all the
rights, privileges, and immunities which, each of the two
Form one compa-