CHAP. 305.
companies first above mentioned, possess, have, and enjoy,
under and by virtue of their respective charters; provided
always, that nothing in this act contained shall be so con-
strued as to authorise any contract or junction being made
with the Newcastle and French-town Turnpike and Rail
Road Company, by either of the companies first above
named, or by the company which they and any other com-
pany or companies may constitute.
Acts inconsistent
herewith repealed
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That so much of the several
acts to which this is a supplement, as may be found in-
consistent with this act, shall be and is hereby repealed;
Provided always, that the authority granted by the first sec-
tion of this act, shall not be exercised until this act shall
Ratification by
stockholders te-
have been approved and accepted by a majority of votes
of the stockholders of said Rail Road Companies, which
have been incorporated by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, to be separately convened, in the manner provided
for by the eighth section of an act, entitled, an act to in-
corporate the Delaware and Maryland Rail Road Company,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-
one, chapter two hundred and ninety-six.
Passed Mar. 22, 1833
An act to release the right of the Slate of Maryland to a lot
of ground in the City of Baltimore.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly,
that Henry Child, formerly of Baltimore, by his last will,
made in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-five, devis-
ed certain property, on the west side of Commerce-street
in the city of Baltimore, of which he was seized in fee, to-
John W. Thompson, of the said city, without using such
words of perpetuity, as, at the time of making the said
will, would entitle the devisee to more than an estate for
life in the said property; and that by the death of the said
Henry Child, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-one,
without making any other disposition of the said property
and without leaving any relation capable of inheriting
lands in this State, the reversion in fee in the said property
has vested in the State of Maryland, and the said John W.
Thompson has prayed that the right so vested in the State .
may be released to him; and the said prayer being deemed