ses, and shall apportion the same amongst the stockhol-
ders, in proportion to their respective shares.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That in case any person
shall wilfully injure, impair or destroy any part of said road,
or any of the works buildings, carriages, vehicles, engines
shall prior to the introductisn of any locomotive engines,
on such part of said road, cause to be erected within or
or machines, of said company, he she or they for every of-
fence shall forfeit and pay to said company or their authorized
agent or attorney, not less than fifty dollars, which may be
recovered in the name of said company, by action of debt, in
the county court of the county, wherein said offences shall
be committed.
CHAP. 290.
Penalty for injur-
ing work or appa-
Sec. 14. Anil be it enacted, That the treasurer of the
western shore, be and he is hereby authorized and direct-
led to subscribe for, and in behalf of the state of Maryland,
twenty-five thousand dollars of the stock, in said company;
Treasurer of the
Western Shore to
subscribe $23,000
of the stock
Provided, always, that before any subscription shall be
made, the treasurer shall be satisfied by sufficient testimo-
ny, that seventy-five thousand dollars, has actually been sub-
scribed, by individuals or private corporations, and have
actually paid thereon, the first instalment as provided for
by this, or such as may be called for, by virtue, or under
the authority of this act; provided also, that before any in-
stalment, which may be called for, by said company, shall
be paid for by the treasurer upon the stock subscribed by
the state, the treasurer shall be satisfied by a certificate un-
der the seal of said company, signed by the president and
five directors, and such other testimony as the treasurer
may deen sufficient, that stock to the amount of seventy-
five thousand dollars, to the said company, has been sub-
scribed for by individuals, or private corporations, and that
the instalment thereon,similar to that required to be paid on
behalf of the state, and all the previous instalments which
may have accrued thereon, have been paid; which said in-
Further proviso
stalments shall be paid as called for, by the said company,
in certificates of stock of the state, bearing an interest of
four and an half per centum per annum, in the manner
hereinbefore provided.
To be paid in
certificates of stock
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That if the said Rail Road,
shall not be commenced in three years, from the passage of
this act, and shall not be finished in five years, from the
time of the commencement thereof, (hen this act shall be
null and void.
Time limited.