CHAP. 290.
tity or duration of the interest in the same, valued for the
company, and such raluation when paid, or tendered to the
owner or owners of said property or his, her, or their legal
representatives shall entitle the said company to the estate
and interest in the same thus valued, as fully as if it had
been conveyed by the owner or owners of the same, and
the said valuation if not received when tendered, may at
any time thereafter be received from the said company
without costs by the said owner or owners, or his, her, or
their legal representatives.
Cross ways pro-
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That whenever in the con-
struction of said road, it shall be necessary to cross or in-
tersect any established road or way, it shall be the duty of
the President and Directors of said company, so to con-
struct the said road across such established road or way, as
not to impede the passage or transportation of persons or
property along the same, and where it shall be necessary
to pass through the land of any individual, it shall also be
their duty to provide for such individual, proper wagon
ways across said road.
May purchase cars
enginers, &c
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the said board of di-
rectors, or a majority of them may purchase with the funds
of said company, and place on said Rail Road, all ma-
chines, waggons, engines, vehicles or carriages, of whatev-
Charge tolls.
Rateof tolls.
er description for the purposes of transportation on said
road, and to charge upon goods, produce merchandize or
property of any kind, transported by them along said Rail
Way, the following rates, viz. on all goods, produce, mer-
chandize or property of any description whatever, not ex-
ceeding eight cents a ton, per mile, except lumber, bark
and staves, on which the charge shall not exceed six cents
a ton, per mile, and it shall not be lawful for any person or
persons to travel upon, or use said road, or to transport
persons, merchandize, produce or other property along
said road without the license of said board of directors or
a majority of them, and that the said road with all its
Right of property
works, improvements and profits, and all the machinery of
transportation used on said road, are hereby vested in said
company, thus incorporated, and their successors forever,
Stock personal
and the shares of the capital stock of the said company
shall be deemed personal estate.
Declare dividends
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the said board of di-
rectors shall once in each year, or semi-annually declare
and make such dividend as they may deem proper of the
net profits arising from the resources of the said company,
first deducting the current, and probable contingent expen-