CHAP. 240.
wilfully, carelessly or maliciously obstruct or impede the
passage on or over the said bridge, or any part thereof, he,
she, or they so offending shall, and each of them shall for-
feit and pay for the use of the county, aforesaid, a sum not
less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars, to be
recovered before any justice of the peace in like manner,
and subject to the same rules and regulations, as debts un-
der fifty dollars may be recovered, and he, she, or they so
offending, may and shall remain liable to action or actions
at the suit of the Levy court, for the use of said county in
further damages for such offence, if the sum or sums here-
inbefore mentioned be not sufficient to repair and satisfy
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the Levy court afore-
said shall if they deem it necessary and proper to appoint
some suitable and proper person or persons as agent or
agents to superintend the construction and building the
said bridge, and generally to do all other matters and
things necessary to carry the provisions of this act into
operation, and to allow the commissioners and agent or
agents by them so appointed, such compensation as they
may deem just and reasonable.
Passed Mar. 13, 1833
An act supplemental to an act, entitled, An act to provide
for building a Bridge over the Patapsco Falls, at or near
the Thistle Factory, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty one, chapter twenty-seven.
Levy of $800.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Baltimore and Anne Arundel
counties, at their discretion, be and they are hereby, author-
ised and required to levy upon the assessable property of
dollars, inclusive of the commissions allowed for collec-
tion, in addition to the sum, which they are already author-
ised and required to levy, by the act to which this is a sup-
plement, in the same manner and for the same purposes,
as is specified in the third section of the act aforesaid.