survey and locate so much of the public road, as it may
become necessary to alter or change from its present loca-
tion, by the selection of the place to erect the said bridge;
and the said commissioners or a majority of them, shall
CHAP. 239.
ascertain by estimate or otherwise, the probable amount
of costs, which it may require to build the said bridge, and
alter said road, and the kind and the description of the
bridge, best suited to the place, which said estimates, to-
gether with all the proceedings, surveys, suggestions and
Estimate expenses
of building, &c.
recommendations, which the said commissioners or a ma-
jority of them, may have made on the subject shall be re-
turned as early as practicable by the said commissioners
to the levy court aforesaid, under their hands and seals,
Return report
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That after the Levy court,
of Dorchester county, shall have received from the afore-
said commissioners, or a majority of then; a full and fair
return and account, under oath or affirmation of all their
proceedings in the premises, the said court shall at their
discretion forthwith determine whether the said bridge,
shall be built or not.
Levy court may
Sec. 3. And be it enacted That ii the said Levy court,
shall determine to have the said bridge constructed, they
shall have full power and authority to cause the said bridge
to be built or constructed in the most durable and substan-
tial manner, that they may deem proper for the public con-
venience and interest, and the Levy court aforesaid shall
have power and full authority to levy on the assessable
property in said county, a sufficient sum not exceeding
four thousand five hundred dollars to defray the expenses
Authorised to build
of constructing said bridge, and altering the road aforesaid,
together with all costs and charges incident to said work,
And levy not ex-
ceeding $4000
and the collection of the monies levied to pay for said
bridge, &c. Provided, that not more than one half the said
sum shall be levied and collected in any one year.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That in case the said Levy
court shall cause the. said bridge to be built or constructed,
they shall cause the same to be so built or constructed as to
have a sufficient draw or slide, as may be necessary to al-
low or admit the free and easy passage of any boat, ves-
sel, or craft, twenty two feet in width, passing or navigat-
ing, up, or down the said creek.
Draw prescribed
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons, shall wilfully, carelessly, maliciously or other-
wise injure, break or destroy the said bridge, or any
part thereof, or any thing thereunto appertaining, or shall
Penalty for injur-
ing the bridge