CHAP. 188.
A supplement to the act, entitled, an act to incorporate The
Frederick and Woodsborough Turnpike Road Company.
Passed Mar.8, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by Hie General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners or any three of them,
named in the original act to which this is a supplement,
shall be, and are hereby authorised, to open subscription
books in the city of Frederick, after twenty days notice in
two or more newspapers of Frederick, of the time and
place, for a capital stock of fifteen thousand dollars, in
shares of twenty dollars each, upon the terms of the said
original act.
Books to be open-
ed for stock
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That when five hundred
or more shares shall have been subscribed, the said com-
missioners, or a majority of them, who shall have opened
said books, shall call a general meeting of the subscribers
of said stock, who shall proceed to organize said compa-
ny, in the manner provided in the said original act, and
the managers first elected shall conduct the business of
said company, until the first Monday of April, eighteen
hundred and thirty-four, and until their successors shall
General meeting
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said company shall
be, and are hereby invested with all the powers, rights and
privileges, of the said original act, to authorise and enable
them to construct a Turnpike road, from the terminatior
of the middle pavement of Market street, where it is inter
sected by fifth street, in the city of Frederick, to the new
bridge over Monococy river, lately erected by the Levy
court of Frederick county, along such route as they may
Authority to con-
struct road
find most convenient for the purpose; Provided, that the
said company, may use the bed of the road, leading from
Frederick city to said bridge, or so much as they may fine
necessary, with the consent in writing of a majority of the
Levy court at one of their meetings for public business.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That as soon as said compa-
ny shall have completed said road from Frederick city, to
the Monococy bridge, in the manner prescribed in the ori-
ginal act, they shall proceed by application to the gover-
nor, to have said road examined and approved, and sha
be entitled to erect gates, and take tolls, for the said road, in
proportion to its length, as prescribed in the original act.
Erect toll gates.