CHAP. 189.
Passed Mar., 1833
An act Incorporating tlie Washington Medical College of
Colleges establish
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a Medical college be, and the same is
hereby established in the city of Baltimore, by the name of
"The Washington Medical College of Baltimore," upon
the following fundamental principles: The said College
Principles defined
shall be founded and maintained upon the most liberal
plan, for the benefit of students of every country and every
religious denomination, who shall be freely admitted to
equal advantages and privileges of education, and to all
the honors of the College, according to their merit, without
requiring or enforcing any religious or civil test, or urging
their attendance upon any particular religious worship or
service, nor shall any preference be given in the choice of
a President, Professor, Lecturer, or other officer of said
College, on account of his particular religious profession,
but regard shall be solely paid to his moral character, and
other necessary qualifications for the place for which he
may be chosen.
Professors named
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the following named
persons be and they are hereby constituted professors of
said College, to wit: Horatio G. Jamison, M. D., professor
of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy; Samuel K. Jennings,
M. D., professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics;
William W. Handy, M. D., professor of Obstetrics and
the diseases of women and children; Thomas E. Bond,
M. D., professor of the theory and practice of Medicine;
Samuel Annan, M. D., professor of Anatomy and Phy-
siology, and James.B. Rogers, M. D., professor of Che-
Corporate powers
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Professors and
their successors shall be, and they are hereby declared to
be, one community, corporation, and body politic, to have
continuance forever, by the name of "The Washington
Name and style.
Medical College of Baltimore.
Powers granted
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Professors and
their successors, by the same name, shall be able and capa-
ble, they and their successors, to take and hold in fee, or
for any less estate or estates, any lands, tenements, annui-
ties, pensions, or other hereditaments within this State, by
the gift, grant, bargain and sale, alienation, enfeoffment,
confirmation, release, or devise of any person or persons,