CHAP. 187.
This act perpetual
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That this act shall be, and
is hereby made perpetual; Provided nevertheless, that the
Legislature of Maryland reserve to itself the power of al-
tering, amending or repealing any of the provisions thereof
after the expiration of the year eighteen hundred and fifty
Passed Mar. 9, 1833
A further supplement to the act entitled, "An act to Incorpo-
rate Frederick Town in Frederick county."
Taxable limit ex-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the taxable limits of Frederick Town in
Frederick county, shall be and are hereby extended one
eighth of a mile in every direction from the existingtaxable
limits of said town as defined in the act to which this is a
supplement; Provided, that the lands or lots comprised
within said extended limits, shall not be subject to taxation
for the purposes of said town, except such as are now or
may be hereafter improved by dwelling houses or other
tenements for business.
Rights, duties, &c
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all the rights, privi-
leges and duties of the act to which this is"a further sup-
plement, shall be, and hereby are extended to the citizens
within the extended limits, in the same manner as. if they
were included within the original taxable limits of said
Annexed to wards
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the lots of ground in-
cluded within the extended limits, under this supplement,
shall be annexed to, and become parts of the wards of
said town, next adjoining them, and that the Alderman,
and Common Council, shall by ordinance provide for an-
nexing said lots to the several wards contiguous, and shall
by public advertisement announce the limits of the several
wards, as extended under this supplement.