chael hereafter to be born, to take upon themselves, and
each of them, the surname of Johnson; and the surname of
the said James Michael shall be and is hereby changed and
altered to the surname Johnson, and the issue of the said
James Michael, hereafter to be born, shall at all times here-
after be called by and hold and use the surname Johnson.
CHAP. 23.
Sect. 2. And be it enacted, That all securities, promises,
contracts, assurances, deeds, and lawful acts whatsoever,
hereafter to be made and done, by and to the said James
Michael, by the name of James Johnson, shall be of the
same force, validity and effect, and of equal avail to all in-
tents and purposes, as if the name of James Johnson had
been the true and lawful name of the said James Michael
from his birth, any law or custom to the contrary notwith-
An act to lay out and open a New Road, in Frederick and
Baltimore counties.
Passed Jan. 31,1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Levin Gosnell, of Frederick county, and
Alexander Gillis and Greenberry Shipley, of Baltimore
county, be and the same are hereby appointed commission-
ers, to survey, lay out, and open a road, not exceeding thirty
feet in width, commencing at Doctor Thomas Beal Owings'
Mill, in Frederick county, to intersect the public road lead-
ing from Harnes' Old Fields, in Baltimore county, on the
best and most practicable route; and the said commission-
Commissioner to
lay out and open
ers shall make out a plat of that part of the Road through
Frederick county, and return the same to the Clerk of the
County Court, to be recorded among the records of said
county; they shall likewise make out a plat of that part pf
the road through Baltimore county, to be recorded among
the records of said county; and the said road, when so open-
Plat and record
ed, shall be thereafter deemed to b.e a public Road forever,
and shall be kept in repair in the same manner as other
public Roads are directed to be kept up, in said counties.
Public highway.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the expenses of survey-
ing and opening the said Road, shall be paid by Baltimore
and Frederick counties, in proportion to the distance it
may pass through each county, and the Levy Court of Fre-
derick county, and Commissioners of Baltimore county, are
Expenses appor-