Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the subscription au-
thorised to be made by the Mayor and City Council of Bal-
timore, under the act, entitled, A supplement to the act,
entitled, An act to promote internal improvement, by the
construction of a Rail Road from Baltimore to the city of
Washington, shall be made within six months after the
CHAP. 175.
Right of City of
Baltimore to sub-
scribe, limited to
six months
passage of this act, and the subscription authorized in like
manner by the corporations, owning the turnpike road be-
tween the cities of Baltimore and Washington, shall be
made within six months after the passage of this act, or
the right to make such subscriptions shall cease and de-
Turnpike; com-
See. 7. And be it enacted, That the Baltimore and Ohio
Rail Road Company shall be entitled to charge and take
for conveying each person the whole distance between the
cities of Baltimore and Washington, not exceeding two
dollars and fifty cents, and in proportion for every shorter
Charge for passen-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the Baltimore and Ohio
Rail Road Company shall pay to the Treasurer of the
Western Shore of Maryland, on the first Monday of Jan-
uary and July in each and every year, for the use of the
Payment to the
State, one fifth of the whole amount which may be receiv-
ed for the transportation of passengers on said Rail Road
by said Company, during six months last preceding, and
it shall be the duty of the President or chief officer of the
Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company to exhibit on
oath or affirmation to the General Assembly, on the first
day of January, or as soon thereafter as the said Assembly
Payment to the
shall convene, in each and every year, an account shewing
the gross amount received by said company for the trans-
portation of passengers on said road, and the State's pro-
portion thereof; Provided, that the charge for conveying
each person the whole distance between the cities of Bal-
timore and Washington, shall not be reduced below the
maximum of two dollars and an half hereinbefore esta-
blished, unless by the consent of the General Assembly, or
in the recess of that body, by the consent of the Gover-
nor and Council, which consent shall be effective until the
end of the session of the General Assembly next ensuing;
Rate of passage
Without approba-
and Provided also, that in no case shall the amount receiv-
ed by the State from the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road
Company for the conveyance of each person the whole dis-
tance between the two cities, be less than twenty-five
cents; and Provided, that at any and all times, whenever
an application is made to the Legislature by said compa-
ny to reduce said maximum price, it shall be lawful for the
Further provisons