distribution shall not be made to more than five schools in
district number one, five in district number three, and five
in district number four.
CHAP. 168.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners for
Talbot county, shall, at their first meeting, or as soon as prac-
ticable after lie passage of this act, assemble for the purpose
of appointing, and shall proceed to appoint, three suitable
persons as District Commissioners in each election district
of said county, whose duty it shall be, upon being notified
thereof, which notification shall be served by one of the
constables of the election district where the persons so
District commis-
sioners to be ap-
the county; to proceed to lay off the election districts
wherein they shall reside, into school districts, being re-
stricted to the number as provided for in the first section
of this act, as also being governed by motives of conve-
nince to the people in deciding upon lie metes and bounds
of said districts, whose duty it shall be to describe and
number the same, and make return thereof to the commis-
sioners of the county within thirty days after the notifica-
tion of their appointment, and for every day they shall be
To lay off school
so employed, each and every commissioner shall be entitled
to receive one dollar per day, to be levied on the assessa-
ble property of the county, to be paid as other county
charges are.
romji filiation.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That wherever there may be
schools now in operation, that are suitably located in any
of the school districts, to be laid off agreeably to the pro-
visions of this act, and the same shall be ascertained by
the district commissioners, it shall be the duty of the said
commissioners to make report thereof, as also the names
Report existing
of the trustees of said schools to the commissioners for the
county as soon as may be thereafter, and in all cases
where there shall not be trustees already appointed to said
schools, it shall be the duty of the district commissioners
to appoint a time and place for the inhabitants of the
school district, who may be interested therein, to meet for
the purpose of appointing not less than three nor more
than seven, who shall act as trustees of said schools, and
be residents of said school districts, and on receiving their
appointment, shall report themselves to the district com-
missioners for the county.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That in all school districts
Name trustees, &c
where there may not be school houses already erected, it
shall be the duty of said district commissioners to give
General meeting
in school districts