CHAP. 168.
all such by-laws, regulations and ordinances, not inconsis-
tent with the constitution and laws of this State, as from
time to time they may deem wise, equitable and efficient
for the comfort, health, convenience and prosperity of said
town, and its inhabitants, for the prevention or removal of
nuisances, preservation of health, and suppression of vice
and immorality within the limits of said town, and shall
have power to levy an equal tax on the property within the
said limits, to such amount as may from time to time be
deemed necessary to accomplish the purposes aforesaid
which tax shall be collected and paid to the President and
Commissioners by the Collector, by them appointed, who
shall have the same power to distrain therefor, as the Col-
lector of the public county assessment has to distrain for
the same; and that the said President and Commissioners
shall fix the term of office, responsibility and compensa-
tion of such Collector.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers, or a majority of them, shall have full power and au-
thority, annually to appoint a Bailiff, whose duty it shall
be to preserve the peace and good order of said Town;
and for this purpose he is hereby invested with the same
power and authority as any constable may now have un- .
der the laws of this State.
Passed Mar. 11, 1833
An act for the promotion of Education in Talbot County.
Authority to draw
from Treasurer
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Commissioners for Talbot county be,
and they are hereby empowered and authorised to draw,
on or before the tenth day of July next, and on the same
day for every year thereafter, on the Treasurer of the
Western Shore, and he is hereby required to pay to their
Disposition direct-
order, the annual dividends arising from the bank stock
heretofore invested, as the free school fund of Talbot
county, and the annual income of the free school fund ap-
pointed to said county, and it shall be the duty of said
commissioners, and they are hereby required to distribute
the same in equal proportions between the several com-
mon schools now in operation, or that may be put in
operation agreeably to the provisions of this act, in the
several election districts of said county; Provided, said