CHAP. 168.
notice, by advertisement, at least ten days previous to the
time for such meeting, to the inhabitants of such school
districts as are interested therein, to meet at some conve-
nient place for the purpose of providing some- suitable
house for the accommodation of a school in said district,
Case of neglect
to provide school
and if they shall refuse or neglect to provide such house,
they shall not be entitled to receive any of the benefits in-
tended to be conferred by this act, but the money hereby
appropriated to the election district within the bounds of
which such school districts shall be located, may be ap-
propriated by the commissioners for the county, to the
other schools that may be put in operation in such election
district; Provided, it be required to pay for the education
of charity scholars that may be taught therein.
Selection of indi-
gent scholars
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the trustees of each arid every, school, that shall have com-
plied with the provisions of this act, under the direction of
the district commissioners, to proceed forthwith to select
and admit within said school or schools, to be placed un-
der the teacher that may be employed by said trustees,
such indigent children to any amount not less than eight
yearly scholars, if such number can be obtained; Provided
always, that said trustees be and they are hereby empow-
Contract with
ered to contract with said teacher for any amount of time
they may, in their discretion, think best and most advisable
for said indigent child or children, to be placed in said
school under said teacher, and said trustees, or a majority
of them, shall be the only and sole judges of the proper
objects to be by them received as pupils in the school or
schools under their direction.
Payment of teach-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be duty of the
commissioners for the county, to pay the claims of those
persons who shall be employed as teachers in any of the
schools authorised by this act, but in all cases it shall be
Certificate of trus-
the duty of said teachers, before payment shall be made,
to obtain the certificates of a majority of the trustees of
the school wherein the services were rendered, for which
payment is claimed, setting forth that they, the said trus-
tees, believe the said teacher justly entitled to the amount
of the claim by him so rendered.
Record of school
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
commissioners for Talbot county to provide for their clerk,
a good and sufficient book or books, and it shall be the
duty of said clerk, without fee or reward, to make correct
entries therein, describing the localities of the several
schools in each election district, with the names of the