CHAP. 155.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, an act declaring the power
of the Governor in certain Criminal cases, passed at No-
vember Session, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, chapter
Passed Mar.13, 1833
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That no nolle prosequi shall hereafter be granted by the
Governor, but on condition, that the costs of prosecution,
which may have accrued in the particular case, shall be paid
by the person or persons in whose behalf the nolle prosequi
is granted.
Payment of costs
An ad to authorise the Inhabitants of the several Primary
School Districts, in Queen Ann's county, to Levy a Tax
on the property in said Districts for the establishment of
Passed Mar. 12, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a majority of the taxable inhabitants re-
siding in the several Primary School Districts, in Queen
Ann's county, are hereby authorised to have levied annu-
ally on all the taxable property in their respective districts,
a sum of money not exceeding three hundred and fifty dol-
lars, nor less than two hundred dollars for the payment of
a teacher in each district as aforesaid, to be voted and col-
lected in the same manner that said inhabitants are author-
ised to vote and collect a sum for the purchase of a site
for a school house, and the erection of the same by the act
of December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-five,
chapter one hundred and sixty-two.
Levy authorised to
pay [ ]
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if in any of the said
Primary School Districts of said county, the taxable in-
habitants may not have met to select a site, and vote a tax
to build a school house as the act of Assembly, of eighteen
hundred and twenty-five, prescribes and directs, that they
Authority to build