CHAP. 154.
said Belt or his deputies, in the same manner, and with, the
same power and privileges, as are allowed by law; Provi-
ded, that if any person against whom there is a .claim by
said Belt or his deputies for taxes as aforesaid, shall make
affidavit before any justice of the peace of said county, that
he or she, Believes the same to be unjust, or that the same
had been paid at any previous time, it shall forever bar such
claim for taxes; Provided, that nothing in this act shall be
construed to affect the estate of any deceased person; and
provided also, that this act shall only continue in force for
Passed Mar. 11, 1833
An act to regulate the letting out by the Levy Courts of
Worcester and Somerset counties, the Feery known as
Stevens or Pollitts Ferry.
Method of letting
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, the
Levy courts of Worcester and Somerset counties, shall
appoint one of their own body, who shall attend at Ste-
vens or Pollitt's Ferry, on or before the first Saturday in
November, in each year, on the same day, to let out said
Ferry for the year ensuing, after the last day of December,
eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and for every year there-
after, to the lowest bidder, who shall give bond and secu-
rity for the faithful performance of his duty, to the Levy
court of the county in which he resides.
Remainder of term
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Levy court of Wor-
cester county is hereby authorised and required to let out
the said Ferry on the Worcester side thereof, for the time
remaining at the expiration of the present contract, to the
end of the year eighteen hundred and thirty-three, at their