CHAP. 118.
tent with the provisions of this supplement, shall be, and
the same are hereby repealed.
Passed Mar.2, 1833
An act to cause the owners of Mills, at or near to the Public
Roads, in Dorcliester and Allegany counties, to erect Side
Railings on Bridges, which they may have placed, or shall
hereafter place on said roads.
Duty procribed.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That from and after the first day of September next,
it shall be the duty of any owner or holder, in his own right
of any Grist or Saw mill or mills, in Dorchester and Al-
legany counties, at, upon or near to any public road or roads,
across which said road or roads, any branch or branches,
stream or streams of water leading to or from said mill or
mills may pass, where there now is or may hereafter be
placed or built any bridge or bridges across said road or
roads, to cause to be placed or built on all such bridge or
bridges, good and sufficient posts and side railings, and the
Dimensions, &c.
same from time to time to keep in good order and repair
in the following manner, to wit: the posts shall be at least
six inches square, and not less than three feet six inches
high, to be placed eight feet a part on each side of said
bridge or bridges, and to place a good and substantial side
railing on the top of said posts, with mortice and tennon,
which said railing shall be at least four inches square.
Penalty for ne-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That any person or persons,
holding or owning any mill or mills as. aforesaid, who shall
neglect or refuse to erect, agreeably to the provisions of
this act, good and sufficient posts and side railings, on all
such bridge or bridges as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay
for the first offence the sum of five dollars, and the like
sum for every week such neglect or refusal shall be contin-
ued, which said fine shall be imposed, levied, collected and
applied as other fines now are in this State.