monly called Hillen's Road, and being convenient to
Schoops Mill, in said county; AND WHEREAS, some doubts
have arisen in relation to the proceedings had in the loca-
tion and opening of said Road, in conformity to the law di-
recting the opening of Roads in said county — Therefore,
CHAP. 11.7.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Commissioners of Baltimore: county, be, and they
are hereby authorized and required, in their discretion, to
cause the said Road hereinbefore mentioned to be opened,
and to declare the same to be a public highway, and also to
cause the said Road to be kept in repair as other county
Roads are.
A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to Incorporate the
Frederick Fire Insurance Company.
Passed Feb. 28, 1833
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Commissioners named in the act to
which this is a supplement, or any three of them, shall pro-
ceed to open subscription books, at the City Hotel, in Fre-
derick, for the capital stock of said Company, after the no-
tice, and in the manner directed in said act
Commissioners to
open books
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the sum of one dollar
per share shall be paid to the Commissioners, at the time
Payment on sub-
of subscribing, and that as soon as one thousand shares
shall have been subscribed, the said Company shall be a
corporate body, as intended by the original act, and shall
proceed to organize the Company by the election of Di-
rectors, as directed by the original act.
1000 shares au-
thorise organizing
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the Directors shall be
authorized to require the payment of the residue of the cap-
ital stock of said Company, by instalments not exceeding
one dollar per share, and at intervals of at least thirty days,
until the shares as subscribed are fully paid; Provided,
That they may, if they think proper, take the notes on de-
mand, of the stockholders, with good security, as contem-
plated by the original act, for the residue of the shares af-
ter the one half, or more shall have been called in by in-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That all provisions of the
act, to which this is a supplement, that may be inconsis-
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