CHAP. 116.
the leave of the Legislature had been obtained at the time
of the making thereof.
Passed Feb.27,1833
A further additional supplement to the act, entitled, "An act
to establish Pilots, and regulate their fees."
Vessels under 130
tons exempt
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, all
vessels of the burden of one hundred and thirty tons and
under, engaged in the coasting trade, shall not be obliged
to take a Pilot or pay half pilotage from the Port of Balti-
more, 1o the Capes in Virginia, except the master or owner
of any such vessel may choose to employ a Pilot to conduct
his or their vessel to sea.
Controversies may
be settled by a sin-
gle magistrate
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That in all cases where a dis-
pute or controversy shall or may hereafter take place be-
tween the master of any coasting vessel, and a regularly
licensed Pilot, the said parties may and shall have the right
and privilege to take the case before a single Justice of the
Peace, for a hearing and settlement of said dispute or con-
as they would have on a case of common debt, before a
Justice of the Peace in the State.
Acts inconsistent
herewith repealed.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That so much of the act en-
titled, "An an to establish Pilots, and regulate their fees,"
and of the several supplements thereto, as are inconsistent
with the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby
Passed Feb., 23, 1833
An act to make public a certain Road therein mentioned.
WHEREAS, It appears, that a commission issued by the
Commissioners of Baltimore county, on or about the twelfth
day of August, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, directed
to Nathaniel Childs, Edward Fendell and David Jones, to
locate, lay out, and o'pen a new road from the Baltimore
and York Turnpike Road, about four miles from the City
of Baltimore, and running thence to a point on a road com-