tion thereto, an allowance of six and a quarter cents per
mile, for every mile that his place of residence shall be
distant from the place of holding the County Courts for
CHAP. 1 14.,
Somerset and Worcester counties, to be levied, collected,
and paid, in the same manner and at the same time, with
his per diem allowance, and he shall be entitled to receive
mileage for each day such Juror shall attend the Court.
See. 2. And be it enacted, That each and every witness
hereafter to be summoned to attend the County Courts of
Somerset and Worcester counties, shall be entitled to re-
ceive for each day in which he or she shall attend as a
witness, the sum of seventy-five cents, and in addition
thereto, an allowance of four cents per mile, for every mile
that his or her place of residence shall be distant from the
place of holding the county courts of Somerset and Wor-
cester counties; and to be levied, collected, and paid, in
the same manner, and at the same time, with his or her
per diem allowance, and he or she shall be entitled to re-
ceive mileage for each and every day such witness shall
attend the court.
Witness 75 cents
per diem and mile-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing contained in this
act, shall be construed to allow any juror or witness mile-
age in returning to his or her residence, during the time
such juror or witness shall be required to attend the county
courts of said counties.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the provisions
of this act shall be construed to apply only to witnesses
residing within the limits of the respective counties of So-
merset and Worcester, whose county courts such witness
or witnesses shall be summoned to attend.
Application limit-
An act relating to the last will and testament of Maty Eli-
zabeth Clouet, of the City of Baltimore.
Passed, Feb. 28, 1837
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the last will and testament of Mary Elizabeth Clouet,
a native of St. Domingo, and last a resident of the city of
Baltimore, and which will bears date the thirteenth day of
December, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and is re-
corded in the orphans' court of Baltimore county, be and
the same is hereby declared to be valid and effectual to all
intents and purposes for the passing of her estate, as though-
Will made valid