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Session Laws, 1834
Volume 541, Page 78   View pdf image (33K)
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hot to exceed hxe hundred acres of land AND WHEREAS
said trustees have represented to this General Assembly,
that they have made an advantageous and cheap purchase
of a farm containing seven hundred and twenty two acres
of land, and pray that their act may be confirmed There

CHAP 59.

Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the purchase of the farm for the use of
the poor of Dorchester county, made by the trustees of the
poor, and containing seven hundred and twenty two acres,
be and the same is hereby confirmed and made as valid and
effectual, as if the same had contained but five hundred
acres of land, as was required by the original act, to which
this is a supplement

Sec 2 And be it enacted, That the present trustees of
the poor for Dorchester county, shall be and they are here
by authorised to contract for, and negotiate a loan upon the
credit of said county, for any sum of money not exceeding
fifteen hundred dollars, for the use and benefit of the new
poors institution in said county

Loan authorised

Sec 3 And be it enacted That to secure the punctual
payment of said loan as the same shall become due the
trustees aforesaid shall be and they are hereby authorised
and required, to set apart the amount now due for the sale
of the old poor house farm, and the & surplus production of
the new farm, as a fund, to be used for the purpose of pay
ing, said loan, and no other


Payment provided


An act authorising the Levy Court of Frederick County, in
their discretion, to levy a sum of money, to defray the fu-
neral expenses of Edward O'Brien, a Revolutionary sol-

Passed Feb 11 1835

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, that
the Levy court of Frederick county, be in their discretion
authorised to levy and pay to Jacob Boiler, thirty dollars,
the amount stated to be paid by him as funeral expenses of
Edward O'Brien, a revolutionary soldier

Levy authorised

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Session Laws, 1834
Volume 541, Page 78   View pdf image (33K)
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