Sec 2 And be it enacted, That after the said commis-
sioners shall be duly sworn by some justice of the peace in
and for said county, they shall on a day to be appointed by
themselves proceed to examine the road, and if upon a care-
ful examination of that put as before designated they shall
be of opinion that the said load or any part thereof before
designated, may be changed to the mutual advantage of the
public, and the proprietor through whose land said road pas-
Proceeding direc-
ses, and the proprietor consenting thereto then the said com
missioners shall make such judicious alteration in the loca-
tion of said road as they may deem necessary and proper,
Provided nevertheless that the proprietor shall at his own
proper cost lay out, establish, and make a good and sufficient
road according to the alteration of the aforesaid commission
ers, and provided also that if the said proprietor should
neglect to lay out, and make such road, a good and suffi-
cient road, according to the change and alteration of the com-
missioners as aforesaid appointed, then, and in that event, it
shall and may be lawful lor the Levy court of said county
to shut up and close such road, so as aforesaid laid out and
made by the proprietor, in the same manner, as might hare
been done, if this act had not passed
Sec 3 And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall report the alteration which they may make in said road
to the clerk of Prince George's county court, who shall re
cord the same at the proprietors expense
Sec 4 And be it enacted, That if the aforesaid commis-
sioners shall make a charge for their services, it shall not
exceed two dollars per day, the expenses thereof to be paid
by the proprietor.
Passed Jan, 23 1835
A supplement to the act entitled an act to authorise the Trus-
tees of the Poor, of Dorchester County, to purchase a farm
for the use of the poor, and to sell the present Almshouse of
said county, and for other purposes, passed March the
ninth, eighteen hundred and thirty two
WHEREAS, by the act passed at December session eigh-
teen hundred and thirty one, chapter two hundred and fifty
six section first, the trustees of the poor of Dorcester county,
were authorised to purchase a farm for the use of the poor