from the said corporation, and the purposes for which dis-
bursements shall have been made, and shall always have
the right to authorise one or more persons to inspect such
general accounts in the books of the corporation, as shall
relate to such statement.
CHAP. 57,
Sec. 5: And be it enacted That the General Assembly of
Maryland reserves the right to change, alter or annul this
act of incorporation at any time.
An act to alter the present manner of making the Levy, for
the use of the public ferries in Dorchester County.
Passed Feb. 10, 1835
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy court of Dorchester county, be and they are hereby
required so to make the levy lor the payment of the keepers of
the public ferries in said county, for the year eighteen hun-
dred and thirty five, and annually thereafter, that the keep-
ers of said public ferries shall receive one half of the amount
to be paid them, on the twentieth day of December next
ensuing said contract, and the residue of said sum on the ex-
piration of such contract: Provided, that in no case shall any
collector oi the public dues for said county be authorised to
pay, to any keeper of the public ferries, any money in ad-
Manner directed
An act to authorise certain Commissioners of Prince Geor-
ge's County, to alter and change a part of a public road
lying within the lands of George Calvert, in said county.
Passed Feb. 10, 1836
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Robert D. Sewall, Richard W. West and
Washington C. Calvert, be, and they are hereby appointed
commissioners to examine and alter that part of the public
road lying in Prince George's county, leading from Cal-
vert's old Mill to its intersection with the present mill race,
and as far as the gate commonly known as Winckler's gate,
in said county.