the said counties, respectively, of their wish to be released
from the conditions of this act, Provided, such notice be
given at least three months before the expiration of the
year, for which an annual levy, as aforesaid, shall have
been made
CHAP 55.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, an act to Incorporate the
Woodsborough Savings Institution, pas ed December ses
sion, eighteen hundred and thirty two, chapter one hundred
and nine
Passed Feb 9, 1835
WHEREAS it appears to this General Assembly, that the
Directors of[the Woodsborough Savings Institution, omitted
or neglected to appoint from the members of said corpora-
tion, three competent persons as a committee of examiners,
agreeably to the provisions of the fifth section thereof,
AND WHEREAS, said Institution are apprehensive that
some loss, inconvenience, or difficulty might arise from said
omission, Therefore
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the said Woodsborough Savings Institution shall not suffer
any loss, detriment, trouble or inconvenience, by reason of
any omission or neglect heretofore, of the said institution to
appoint from the members of the said institution, three com-
petent persons as a committee of examiners agreeably to
the fifth section of the charter of said institution, and the
said institution, notwithstanding any such omission or ne
gleet heretofore, shall hereafter appoint a committees of ex-
aminers, agreeably to the fifth section of the charter of said
Examining com-
An act for the Incorporation of Caroline Lodge, Number
twenty two, of the order of Independent Odd Fellows, in
Caroline County
Passed Feb 9 1835
Section I Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That James B Rumbold, James B Wilson, Thomas L
Corporation cred-