of Somerset County Court, and lor defraying certain funeral
expenses of one of the said negroes, who died in the said
jail, and if the said claim shall appear to the said justices to
be reasonable, they are hereby directed to levy thee amount
thereof, on the assessable property of the said county, for the
use of the said Samuel, which shall be collected and paid to
the said Samuel, or to his order, by the collector of the
said county, as other county charges are collected and paid
Passed Feb 7, 1835
An act to Incorporate the Liberty Copper Company
Corporation created
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Francis Neal, James Harwood, Elias Ellicott,
Alexander Falls, Isaac Tyson, Jr, Joseph King, Jr, Andrew
Ellicott, William Chenoweth, Jefferson Ramsay, and all and
every other person or persons hereafter becoming members
of the Liberty Copper Company, in the manner hereinafter
mentioned, their successors and assigns, shall be and they
are hereby created and made a corporation ard body politic,
by the name and style of the Liberty Copper Company, and
by that name shall and may have perpetual succession, and
Legal capacity
be capable in law, of purchasing, holding, improving, or
disposing of properly real personal, or mixed, to the ex-
tent, in the manner, and for the purposes herein authorised,
and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer
and defend, and be answered and defended, in all courts of
law and equity, and may receive and make all deeds, trans-
fers, covenants, conveyances, grants, contracts, agreements
and bargains, whatsoever, necessary for the said purposes,
and may have and use a common seal, which they shall have
power to renew or alter at pleasure, and generally, may do
every other act or thing necessary to carry into effect the
provisions of this act, and promote the objects and designs
of said company as authorised by this act Provided, that
nothing hererin contained, shall authorise said company to
hold in fee or otherwise, more than one thousand acres of
land at any one time, and the same shall be held in not more
than three parcels, and be within the body of Frederick
county, for the purposes intended by this act, and not for
any other purpose whatever