Subject to repeal or modification by the Legislature of
Mary land
CHAP. 42.
An act to authorise the levy court of Somerset and Worcester
counties to purchase a Ferry Boat, for the use of Siemens'
or Politt's Ferry between Somerset and Worcester coun-
ties, and to regulate the letting out of said Ferry
Passed Feb 4 1835
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the Levy courts of Somerset and Worcester
counties, respectively, be and they are hereby authorised and
required to appoint two competent persons to be commission
ers, one to be appointed by the levy court of Somerset
county, and one to be appointed by the levy court of Wor-
cester county, whose duty it shall be to act in concert in the
purchase or in contracting for the building of a Ferry Boat,
and in the purchase of the necessary ropes for the use of the
ferry, commonly called and known by the name of Stevens'
or Pollitt's Ferry, between Somerset and Worcester coun-
Sec 2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners,
before they proceed to act in the premises, shall respectively
take an oath, that they will well and truly, and without fa-
vor or partiality, perform the duty enjoined upon them in the
premises, according to the best of their knowledge and judg-
Sec 3 And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall report their proceedings, and the amount of money con-
tracted by them to be paid to the person or persons from
whom they shall purchase said Ferry Boat and said rope,
or with whom they shall contract for the building of said
boat to the levy courts of Somerset and Worcester counties,
respectively, under the hands and seals of the said commis-
sioners, and it shall be the duty of the said levy courts, re-
spectively, and they are hereby authorised and required to
levy upon the assessable property of Somerset and Worces-
ter counties, respectively, each of them one half of the
said amount of money, so contracted by the said commission
ers to be paid for said boat and rope, which said amount of
money shall be paid to the person or persons contracting to
furnish or build said boat, by the collectors of Somerset and