CHAP 43.
Worcester counties, respectively, upon an order drawn by
the said levy courts respectively, upon the said collectors,
respectively, in favor of the said contractor or contractors,
which said order shall not be given by the said levy courts,
respectively, until there shall have been appointed one mem
ber of the levy court of Somerset county, and one member
of the levy court of Worcester county, who shall have in-
spected and received the Ferry Boat and rope herein pro-
vided to be procured for the use of said ferry
Sec 4 And be it enacted, That the levy courts of the
said counties, respectively, are hereby authorised and re
quired to allow such compensation to the commissioners ap-
pointed on the part of each, as they shall deem just
Letting the ferry
Sec 5 And be it enacted, That the agents appointed by
the levy courts of Somerset and Worcester counties, for the
purpose of letting out the aforesaid ferry, are hereby re
quired to meet on the same day to let out said ferry, and if
there shall be but one of the agents appointed for the above
mentioned purpose present on the day and at the hour ap-
pointed, he is hereby authorised to set up both sides of the
ferry jointly and proceed in letting out, and taking bond and
security for the same under the provisions of former acts,
as if both said agents were present, and the contract shall
be equally binding on both counties
Passed Feb 3, 1835
A further supplement to an act, entitled, an act, supplemen-
tary to an act, entitled, "an act for opening Bottle Alley,
m the City of Baltimore "
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That J I Cohen, John Berry, Rezin Wight, Sa-
muel Manning, and Samuel D Walker, be, and they are
hereby appointed Commissioners, in lieu of the persons
named m the act to which this is a supplement, for opening
and widening Bottle Alley, in the city of Baltimore, from
Sharp to Hanover streets, as laid down on the plot of said
Sec 2 And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall, within one month after the passage of this act, make
oath or affirmation before some justice of the peace in the
city of Baltimore, that they will faithfully execute the duties