CHAP 41.
Passed Jan 31 1831
An act to Incorporate the Baltimore Musical Association
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Joseph Jewett, R Shaw and Alonzo Silby,
together with such as may become associated with them,
and their successors, be and they hereby are incorporated
and made a body politic and corporate, for the purpose of
extending the knowledge, and improving the style of per
formance, of church music, by the name of The Baltimore
Musical Association, and by that name they may sue and
be sued, have a common seal, and the same at pleasure alter,
and be entitled to use the powers and privileges incident to
such corporations
Sec 2 Be it further enacted That the said corporation
shall at their first or some subsequent meeting, choose a
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and such
other officers as they may deem necessary or convenient
for the government and regulations of said corporation and
its property, they shall have the power to make standing
rules or by laws, for prescribing the terms of office, and
duties of their officers for regulating the terms on which
persons may be admitted, and continued members of the
corporation, and generally for the regulation of their offi-
cers, provided such by laws are no repugnant to the laws of
this State, or of the United States
Sec 3 Be it further enacted, That the said corporation
shall he capable of taking and holding real estate, not ex
ceeding the value of ten thousand dollars, and personal es-
tate, not exceeding the value often thousand dollars, which
estate shall never be divided among the members of the
corporation, but shall descend to then successors, subject
to the payment of the just debts to be incured by said cor-
First meeting
Sec 4 And be it enacted, That Joseph Jewett shall have
power to call the first meeting at said corporation, by ap-
pointing a time and place therefor, and giving written no
tice thereof to the other persons named and incorporated
by this act, at least three days before such time of such
Banking forbid
Sec 5 And be it enacted That this corporation shall not
be permitted to issue any negotiable note or notes, or notes
payable to bearer, or notes in the form of a Bank note
Sec 6 And be it enacted, This act shall any time be