Sarah Ann Dorsey, wife oi Robert E Dorsey, Alexander
T H Duvall, Algernon S Duvall, Virginia C Duvall, Henry
C. Duvall, James L H Duvall, and Mary E Duvall, and
the said Henry Clagett (acting in his own behalf and as
guardian for his daughter, Olivia Clagett, who is yet within
age; the said Thomas H Clagett Henry Clagett, the young
er, and Elizabeth Clagett, and the said Grafton Duvall, the
said Robert E Dorsey and Sarah Ann Dorsey, his wife, the
said Algernon S Duvall, and the said Alexander T H Du-
vall, (acting in his own behalf and as guardian for the said
Virginia C Duvall, Henry C Duvall, James L H Duvall,
and Mary E. Duvall, all of whom are within age, ) having
united in a petition to this General Assembly to confirm and
make valid said partition, in the same manner as if the said
Julia Clagett and Elizabeth Whitaker Duvall had severally,
been privately examined, as required by law, and forasmuch
as all parties appear to be satisfied with the said partition,
and to be desirous that the same may he confirmed, — There-
CHAP 40.
SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That he partition so as aforesaid in and by the
deed aforesaid, expressed to be made, by and between the said
Henry Clagett and Julia Clagett his wife of the one part, and
said Grafton Duvall and Elizabeth Whitaker Duvall, his wife
of the other part, shall be, and the same is hereby establish-
ed, confirmed, and made valid, conclusive and perpetual, as
between the heirs at law of said Julia Clagett, and the heirs
at law of said Elizabeth Whitaker Duvall respectively, ac-
cording to the allotment, courses and distances, expressed in
said deed, and in the same manner as if the said Julia Cla-
gett, and said Elizabeth Whitaker Duvall, had been several-
ly, privately examined by the said justices, before whom
this said deed was acknowledged, separate, apart from, and
out of the presence and hearing of their said respective
husbands, and upon such separate and private examination
had severally declared, that they voluntarily and freely
acknowledged the said deed to he then act and deed, and
without being induced to do so by fear or threats of, or ill-
usuage by their said respective husbands, or by fear of their
displeasure, and as if the said justices had certified such
private examination and acknowledgment in due form of
law, and as if such certificate of acknowledgment had been
regularly recorded with the said deed and as forming a part
Deed confirmed