CHAP. 38
by the same name shall have perpetual succession, and shall
be able to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded in
any court of law or equity in this Sta e or elsewhere, and
to make and have a common seal, and the same to break,
alter or renew at their pleasure, and also to ordain and es-
tablish such by laws and ordinances as shall appear neces-
sary for regulating the temporal concerns of the said church,
and for promoting literature within the same, not being re-
pugnant to this act, or the laws of this state
Sec. 2 And be it enacted, That all the lands and tene-
ments heretofore conveyed by a certain Valentine Baust
and Maria Elizabeth, his wife, to John Hawn, and Peter
Shoemaker, by deed dated January the tenth, seventeen hun-
dred and ninety lour, to them, their heirs and assigns forev-
er, for the use and benefit of a school and church, shall be
and are absolutely and unconditionally vested in the said
body corporate and their successors forever, and the said
corporation shall be and they are hereby declared to he ca-
pable of bargaining and selling, leasing and conveying any
part of the said property, or any other property which may
hereafter be acquired by the said corporation, in as full and
effectual a manner as any person or body corporate may or
can do
Form of deeds, &c.
Sec. 3 And be it enacted That all acts or deeds of the
said corporation shall be signed by the vestry in behalf of
the corporation, and sealed with their corporate seal, and
all deeds by them for the conveyance of any lands and tene-
ments of the corporation which by the laws of the land
ought to be acknowledged and recorded, shall be signed
and sealed as aforesaid, and shall also be acknowledged in
due form by the vestry, as such in behalf of the corporation,
and all acts and deeds of the said body corporate so au-
thenticated, shall be valid and effectual in law
Sec. 4 And be it enacted, That the said corporation
shall be capable of purchasing hereafter real and personal
property, not exceeding in value the sum of five thousand
dollars, it being further expressly declared and understood
that this act may be repealed by the General Assembly of
this State, at any session thereof.