trustee is hereby authorised and directed to fill such vacan-
An act to authorise the Commissioners for Anne Arundel
county, to sell certain Properly therein mentioned
Passed Jan 20 1835
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland That the Commissioners for Anne Arundel county,
be, and they are hereby authorised to sell in such manner
as they may deem most advantageous to said county, all
that house and lot called and known by the name of Tay-
lor's Landing Warehouse, also the scales, weights, and
beams formerly used at all the warehouses for the inspec-
tion of Tobacco in said county, which, in their judgment,
ought to be sold
Said Taylor's land
Sec 2 And be it enacted That the proceeds thereof
shall be Used in defraying t e expenses of said county
Records applied
An act to Incorporate the Vestry of Emanuel Church m Fre-
derick county
Passed Jan. 20 1835
WHEREAS application has been made to this General
Assembly for an act of incorporation in behalf of the vestry of
Emanuel Church, in Frederick county, which may enable
them to manage with convenience their temporal concerns
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That John Flegle Sen John Derr, Michael More-
lock and Peter Harfley, the present trustees Peter Dayhoff,
Peter Golte, Henry Hahn and Andrew Bolyton, elders,
George Meixel, John Flegle Jr, Valentine Wentz and
Jacob Valentine, deacons, they being the present officers'
and vestry of said congregation, and their successors, to be
elected agreeably to the rules and regulations of said
Corporation creat-
Church, shall be, and hereby are created and declared to be
a body politic and corporate, by the name, style and title of
the "Vestry of Emamuel Church, in Frederick county, " and