teen hundred and eight, be delivered a quantity of beef, to
the overseer of the poor of the said county, who, by virtue
of his appointment at that time, was authorised to contract
for necessary supplies for the poor, and pledge the faith of
the county for the payment, and that by virtue of said
power, the said overseer gave an order in favor of said
Levin on the collector of the county levy, for the sum of
forty one dollars and ninety four cents, in payment for the
bard beet, which said order was presented, but not paid, on
account of a deficiency of funds in the hands of said col-
lector, for that purpose, And whereas, the said Levin has
appended to his petition the certificate of Daniel Ballard,
Esq who was then collector of the levy of the said county,
in corroboration and proof of his representation as afore-
said, — Therefore,
CHAP. 35.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Justices of the Levy Court of Somerset county be, and
they are hereby authorised and required to levy upon the
assessable property of the said county, the said sum of forty
one dollars and ninety four cents, with interest thereon,
from eighteen hundred and eight, until paid, in case that the
said justices shall be satisfied that the said sum has not been
paid to the said Levin or his assigns
Levy directed
An act to authorise certain Commissioners to lay off a Road
from the Store of William Dorsey, at Back Creek, in So-
merset county, to the County Road, at the expanse of said
Passed Jan 28, 1835
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma
ryland, That Thomas King Carroll, Daniel Ballard, Robert
J Henry, Henry Lankford, and Doctor Thomas Robertson,
be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners, to lay
off a Road, from the Store of William Dorsey, at Back
Creek, in Somerset county, to the County Road.
Sec 2 And be it enacted, That the said Commissioners
shall give ten days notice to all persons concerned, before
proceeding to act, and after having given notice, shall meet
at Back Creek, on or before the tenth day of May next, and
in conjunction with the County Surveyor, shall proceed
to value and lay off the road.