the said sheriff shall immediately thereafter discharge the
said petitioner from his custody, and the said petitioner shall
CHAP. 337
be discharged from custody also, if he sha'.l enter into ano-
ther bond, with surety to be approved by the court, for ap-
pearance as aforesaid, or performance of the conditions of
the former bond remaining to be performed.
Or other approved
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the provisions of this act
shall extend and be considered to apply to the commission-
ers of Insolvent Debtors for the city and county of Balti-
more, while the petition of any petitioner as aforesaid, shall
be pending before them in the place of any county court as
aforesaid, and to Baltimore county court, when the case of
Applied to insol-
vent commiss-
ioners of Balti-
more county
such petitioner shall have been transmitted to such court.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That before a surrender shall
be allowed as aforesaid, notice shall be given as shall be
prescribed by a judge of the court as aforesaid, or one of
the said commissioners, to the trustee of the said petitioners,
and to any creditor of such petitioner, if he shall have
named any creditor upon the schedule with his petition.
Previous notice
required of se-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the surety so surrendering
a petitioner, shall be bound to pay the allowance for main-
tenance of said petitioner while in custody aforesaid, which
plaintiffs are required to pay toward maintenance of de-
And payment of
fendant in prison, and if by reason of any default in the
premises of such surety, the said petitioner shall be dis-
charged, (which he may be as defendants aforesaid may,)
the said surely shall be liable upon the bond aforesaid, as
Whilst in custody
A further supplement to an act to provide for the distribution
of that part of the School Fund, which is appropriated to
Baltimore County, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and twenty-eight, chapter one hundred and eighty-
Passed Mar, 21, 1835
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That it shall be the duty of the several trustees,
appointed in each election district of Baltimore county, ex-
cept the first, to distribute the school funds appropriated to
the use thereof, to meet in their respective districts, semi-
annually, or ofiener, at some public place, alter they shall
Direction respect-
ing distributions
of school fund