CHAP. 336.
ell, thirty dollars; to Virlinda Steele, thirty dollars; to John
Hackney, thirty dollars; to Eleanor Parsley, thirty dollars;
to Fielder Mulliken, thirty dollars; to Ann Lovejoy, thirty
dollars; and to Asbury Holland, thirty dollars; in Talbot
county, to Mary Leonard, twenty five dollars; to Anna
Bullen, twenty five dollars; and to Nancy McNeal, - twenty
dollars; in Worcester county, to John Lathberry, thirty dol-
lars; and to Patty Daviss, twenty dollars, and the levy court
are hereby required to levy the same; in Cecil county, to
William Benjamin, thirty dollars, payable to George Ben-
Passed Mar. 21, 1835
An act for the benefit of the securities for the appearance of
Insolvent Petitioners within this Slate.
Same powers as
special bail
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That from and after the passage of this act, may
surety for the appearance of an insolvent petitioner under
the laws of this State, be and they are hereby authorised
and empowered, and are hereby invested, with the same
powers, to bring the said insolvent petitioner into court, or
before any judge thereof, which special bail now have to
bring their principal into court, and when the said petitioner
shall be so brought into court, or before any judge thereof,
May surrender in
the may be surrendered by his surety and committed into the
custody of the sheriff, in the same manner as special bail
now surrender their principal, and have him committed to
the custody of the sheriff; Provided however, that the said
petitioner be so surrendered before or at the first term to,
which suit shall be brought upon the bond for the appear-
ance of such petitioners.
Sheriff shall retain
in custody, &
Sec 2. And be it enacted, That every sheriff, into whose
custody an insolvent petitioner shall be committed as afore-
said, shall keep said petitioner in custody, and bring the
said petitioner into court on the day named in such petition-
er's bond for his appearance, and on each day thereafter,
until the court, in which the petition of such insolvent pe-
Until judg-
ment, &c
titioner is pending, shall have passed judgment thereupon;
and if the said court shall dismiss or quash the said petition,
or shall grant a final discharge to the said petitioner, then