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have given two weeks notice, by written advertisements,
set up at six or more public places, that they will meet at
the place and time designated therein, for the purpose of
receiving applications for the benefit of said fund; and
when the said trustees shall have met, in pursuance of such
notice, they shall select from the applicants, the children
deemed by them to be most likely to profit by, and best en-
titled to the benefit of said fund, and it shall be the further
duty of said trustees to superintend the education of the
children who shall be so selected, and to pay the instructor
or instructors therefor, out of the funds appropriated for an-
nual distribution, as aforesaid.
Annual report
Sec 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said commissioners to insert, in their annual reports of the
expenses of said county, a full statement of the distribution
and expenditure of said fund, within the year embraced by
such reports.
Sec. 3, And be if enacted, That the commissioners of
Baltimore county, may authorise the treasurer of said county
to demand and receive from the treasurer of the Western
Shore of Maryland, the portion of the school fund allotted
Of portion under
resolution No. 47
of 1833 &c
to said county, under resolution number forty seven, passed
at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty three,
with the increments of said portion, if there be any, and to
invest the same, from time to time, in such public security
or ground rents, as they shall first approve — and that the
increase of said portion shall be added to its principal, until
the capital of said fund shall be eight thousand dollars, and
thereafter the said commissioners shall divide the income
of said fund amongst the trustees chosen to distribute and
apply the school funds appropriated to said county within
the several election Districts thereof.