it shall be the duty of the said collector to procure, from
the editors of the several papers in which said list shall be
CHAP. 334.
published, a certificate, under oath, of the publication or the
papers in which said lists were published, who shall file the
same with the clerk of Allegany county, there to be re-
Certifcates of pub-
corded amongst the land records of Allegany county, pre-
vious to the day of sale, an attested copy of which shall be
sufficient proof of the compliance with the law in that re-
spect, in any court of law or equity, or elsewhere.
Made valid
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
said collector to return to the commissioners of the tax on
or before the second Monday of June, in each year, a list
of all taxes and costs by him received from persons named
in the aforesaid published lists, with the amount for adver-
tising also received; and the commissioners aforesaid shall
order and direct the said collector to advertise in the papers
published in Cumberland, and at the several election dis-
tricts, expressing the owners names, names of lands, num-
ber of lots, quantity of acres, and amount of tax and costs,
and the commissioners shall direct the time and place of
Time and place of
sale,and it shall be the duty of the collector aforesaid, within
one week of the time of said sale, to make out two lists
of the lands sold, in which he shall designate the name of
List of lands sold
the owners, the name of the purchaser, the name and quan-
tity of lands sold, and the amount of sale, with the quantity
of acres sold, if only part is sold, with the amount sold for
over the tax and costs due, if any, one of which list he
shall file with the commissioners of the county tax, and the
other he shall file with the clerk of Allegany county, by
How disposed
him to be filed and recorded amongst the land records of
Allegany county, a certified copy of which shall be sufficient
evidence to prove the sale, in any court of law or equity, or
elsewhere; it shall also be the duty of said collector, within
Record evidence
one month after said sale, to pay over to the clerk of Alle-
gany county, all the overplus received by him on said sales,
Pay over to clerk
after paying all costs and charges, and it shall be the duty
of the clerk of Allegany county, when called upon by the
proper person, to pay over to the person entitled to the
Whose duty
same, such sum as he may be entitled to, without interest —
and the bond of the clerk of said county shall be accounta-
ble for the same.
Bond accountable
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the collector for the
time being, shall be authorised and empowered to convey to
the purchaser or purchasers, by a good deed of bargain and
sale, all the right, title and claim of the person or persons
Deed to purchaser