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appear that a majority of the whole number of ballots taken,
express an assent to the adoption of this act, that then the
said judges of elections shall certify the said fact, and there-
with furnish a statement of the number of ballots expressing
dissent as well as assent, to the commissioners of Baltimore
Result to be pub-
count), and the said certificate and statement of the said
ballots, shall thereupon be published by the commissioners
aforesaid, and at the same tine they shall issue then
Confirmation &c
declaiation, settuig iorth that this act is in force, otherwise
upon its appearing that said act was not adopted by a ma-
jority as atoresaid, this act shall be inoperative and void.
Passed Mar 21,1835
An act for the more effectual collection of the County Charges
in Allegany County
Return list of non
resident lands
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That it shall be the duty of the collector of the
county charges of Allegany county, on or before the first
Monday of March, in each and every year hereafter, to re-
turn u list of all non resident's land, and others on which
there is no personal property, from which the tax can be
made, with the name of the owner of owners, name of the
Amounts due, &c
land, number of lots, with the amount of taxes due thereon,
whether for one or more years, or where the owners of
said land have no personal property within said county.
Publication pre-
Sec. 2 And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said commissioners to cause a list of said lands to be pub-
lished, for the term of three weeks successively, in the two
papers published in the town of Cumberand, one daily pa-
per published in the city of Baltimore, and one daily paper
in the city of Washington, expressing in said list, the name
or names of the owners, the names of the lands, and
number of lots, the amount of tax due thereon, and all costs,
with the number of acres, notifying the said absentees that
unless the taxes, and all costs thereon, shall he paid to the
collector of Allegany county, for the time being, or his
agent in Baltimore, on or before the first day of June then
following, the said lands, or such pait thereof as shall be
sufficient to pay the county charges, and all costs thereon,
shall be sold at publrc vendue, for the payment thereof, and