CHAP. 335.
in whose name the same was sold, which when acknowledg-
ed and recorded according to law, shall be sufficient to
Original owners
transfer all the right and title of such person or persons;
Provided nevertheless, that if the original owner shall within
twelve months from the day of sale, pay or tender to the
purchaser of the same, in current money of the United States,
the sum paid by him, and all costs and charges he may
have been put to by paying for the deed and record,
with ten per cent per annum, that it shall be the duty
of said purchaser to re-convey the same to the former
Mileage to com-
missioner of tax
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the county commission-
ers for Allegany county, who reside out of the town of
Cumberland, shall be entitled to twelve and a half cents
per mile, from the place of their residence, for coming,
and twelve and a half cents per mile for returning, once
only for each stated or adjourned meeting.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That all parts of the acts en-
titled, an act for the more effectual collection of the taxes
of Allegany county, and its supplements, that are inconsis-
tent wrth this act, be and the same are hereby repealed;
provided, this act shall not take effect before the first day
of September next.
Passed Mar.21,1835
An act for the relief of sundry Poor Persons, in the several
Counties therein mentioned.
Levy authorised
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the levy court or county commissioners, as the
case may be, of Harford, Prinee George's, Queen Anne's,
Frederick, Kent, Charles, Montgomery, Talbot, Worcester,
and Cecil counties, be, and they are hereby severally au-
thorised, directed, and empowered, at their annual meeting,
so long as they shall see cause, at their discretion, except
otherwise directed by this act, to levy and assess on the
assessable property of said counties, for the use of the se-
veral persons hereafter mentioned, any sum of money, not
exceeding the several sums annexed to their respective
Harford county
names, viz: in Harford county, to Elizabeth Parsons, pay-
able to George R. Amos, twenty dollars; to William Me-