Sec 2 And be it enacted, That the expenses of open
ing the said road, shall be paid by Anne Arundel county,
and the commissioners at said county are hereby authorised
CHAP 333
and required, to levy a sum of money not exceeding five
hundred dollars, on receiving from the commissioners, an ac
count on oath of said expenses, including an allowance of two
dollars per day to the commissioners for their service«, on
the assessable property of said county, to be collected as
other county charges no v are
An act to establish Public Schools in the twelfth election dis-
trict of Baltimore Counity
Passed Mar. 21, 1835
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That so much of the act, entitled, an act for the
establishment and support of public schools, in the first elec-
tion district of Baltimore county and of the several supple
merits tlieieto, as may now be in force in said district, shall
be and thereby aie extended and rendered applicable to pro-
vide and esstablish for the like purpose within the twelfth
Act exceded [ ]
district of said countv Provided however, that the operation
of this act shall not commence until alter a majority of the
voters of the last mentioned district, shall have expressed in
the manner hereinafter provided, their approbation of the
system of public fee schools established by said acts, and
their wish to have the same extended to said twelfth dis-
[ ]
Sec 2 And be it enacted, That between the first and
tenth days of September, next, the commissioners of Balti-
more county, shall give notice in at least three of the news
pafers published in the city of Baltimore, and also by ad-
vertisement, to be setup in six or more public places in the
twelfth election district of said county, that on the first
Notice [ ]
Monday of October next, each citizen of said twelfth dis-
trict, qualified to vote for delegates to the General Assem
bly of Maryland, shall be at liberty to give his assent or
assent to the adoption of this act, for which purpose he
may give his assent by means of a ballot marked, yes, or
his dissent, by means of a ballot marked, no which said
ballots shall be deposited in a ballot box provided for that
purpose, at the place of election, and counted and summed
up by the judges of elections in said district and if it should
[ ]