CHAP 332
Passed Mar 21 1835
An act for opening a road from the Thistle Factory Bridge
on the Patapsco Falls, to the old landing on Hilton road,
in Anne Arundel County
WHEREAS, by an act of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty one, abridge was authorised to be built over the Pa
tapsco Falls, near the Thisstle Factory, with the view to ac
commodate the citizens of Anne Arundel and Baltimore
counties, as well as the convenience of the public, which has
accordingly been built, and wereas, it has been.represented
to this General Assembly, by the petitioners, that a new
road had been authorised to be opined by the court of
Anne Arundel county, to commence at the point on said
Falls, where said bridge was contemplated to be built, and
running thence up and with Bonny Branch, to the head of
its south eastern source, and continuing thence with the line
which divides the tract of land of Charles Sterett Ridgely,
from that adjoining it, to a point on the Elkridge landing road,
near the primary school, erected on said road, being a part
of said road so ordered to be located, and whereas no au-
thority has as yet been granted for levying a sum of money
for defraying the expenses of the same, Therefore
Commissioners em-
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
riband, That George Cooke, Henry M Steele, and John &
Williams, be, and the same are hereby appointed commis-
sioners, who are tested with full power and authority to
open said road as above described, not exceeding thirty
feet in width, commencing as before mentioned, at the point
on said Falls, where said bridge is now built, and running
thence up and with Eonny Branch, to the head of its south
eastern source, and continuing thence with the line which
divides the tract of land as aforesaid described, until it
strikes the road leading from Elkridge Landing, to Hilton,
all of which said road shall be opened on the most eligible
ground, upon, or bordering upon the route as aforesaid
described, and the said commissioners shall make out a
plat of said road, and return the same to the Clerk of Anne
Arjndel County Court, to be recorded among the records
of said county, and the said road, when so opened, shall he
thereafter deemed to be a public road forever, and shall be
kept in repair in the same manner as other public roads are
directed to be kept up in said county.