CHAP. 30.
stated meeting of the society, but shall not be finally deci-
ded on until it shall have have been two full months before
the society, and shall not take effect unless three fourths of
the members residing in the city of Baltimore are in favor
thereof, Provided nevertheless, no such dissolution shall
operate to impair or invalidate any contract before that time
made, or to effect any suit then instituted or to be instituted
by or against such corporation
Banking prohib-
Sec 3. And be it enacted, 1 hat nothing in this act shall
be so construed as to authorise the said company to issue or
put in circulation any negotiable note or notes payable to
bearer, or notes in the nature of a bank note
Sec 6 And be it enacted That this act shall be and re-
main in full force until the year eighteen hundred and fifty
five, and to the end of the General Assembly that shall hap-
pen thereafter, or until the society is dissolved by its own
act, or its chapter revoked by the Legislature of the State
of Maryland, which right of revocation is hereby reserved
to the said State of Maryland
Passed Jan 24, 1835
An act for the benefit of John Mowrey of Washington
Payment directed
Be it enacted by the Genual Assembly of Maryland, That
the Commissioners of Washington county are hereby autho
rised to pay to John Mowrey, the sum of thirteen dollars,
for damages sustained by him in his property in opening a
road in said county, leading from Cavetown to Boons-
borough, and that they be authorised to levy upon the taxa-
ble property of said county, a sum sufficient to pay the
Passed Jan. 28 1831
An act Authorising the Levy Court of Frederick county, at
their discretion, to levy a sum of money to erect a bridge
over Tom's Creek, on the road from Emmittsburgh to Ha-
Levy $1100
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That from and after the passage of this act, the