corporation that they may the belter execute their intentions
and the legislature being desirous of promoting such useful
intentions— Therefore:
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Samuel Cornells, John D Daneker, George
C Addison, Thomas France, Isaac S. Addison, Daniel Ms
Reese, Conduce Gatch, Samuel Guest, Edward Heffner
and James McCleary and others who now are or may here
after become members of the said society, and their succes-
sors, are hereby declared to be one community and body
Corporation crea-
corporate, by the name style, and title of the Baltimore
Beneficial Society, and by that name they shall be and
hereby are made able and capable in law to receive contri-
butions, and purchase, possess, enjoy and retain to them and
their successors, lands, tenements, rents, annuities and other
heraditaments, and the same to dispose of in such manner
as they may judge most conducive to the interest of the said
society, provided, that the said corporation of body politic,
shall not at any time hold or possess property, real, person
al or mixed, exceeding the sum of twenty thousand dollars,
and provided also, that nothing herein contained, shall be
constituted to authorise or empower said society to do or per-
form any act not necessary to the attainment of the bene-
volent purposes for which he society is herein declared to
be incorporated
Sec 2 And be it enacted, That the said society and their
successors, by the aforesaid name shall forever hereafter be
able and capable in law to sue and be sued, in all or any
courts of justice whatsoever, and the said society may also
Legal capacity
adopt such by laws and regulations as they may deem ne
cessary for the government thereof, the authentication of its
acts, and the proper management of its concerns, provided
that the same shall not be contrary to any provision of this
act, or any law of this state or of the United States, or of the
corporation of the city of Baltimore
By laws
Sec 3 And be it enacted, That the affairs of said socie-
ty shall be managed and conducted by a President, Vice-
President, Treasurer, Secretary, five Stewards and a Mana-
ger, who shall be elected within the month of January next,
and annually thereafter, and until said election the affairs of
said society shall be conducted by the present officers
Sec 4 And be it enacted, that if at any time it shall be
deemed necessary to dissolve this society, a proposition to
that effect shall be laid on the table in writing at a stated
meeting of the society, and may he discussed at the next
Case of dissolution