rates or tells affixed, or to be affixed, in any place or places
for information of passengers and others, or shall wil-
fully and maliciously obstruct or impede the passage, on
or over the said bridge, or any part or parts thereof, he,
she, or they, so offending, and each of them, shall forfeit and
pay to the said president and directors, for each and every
such offence, not exceeding twenty dollars, to he recovered
before any justice of the peace in like manner, and subject
to the same rules and regulations, as debts under one hundred
dollars may be recovered in Baltimore county or city court;
and he, she or they, so offending, may and shall remain liable
to actions at the suit of the president and directors, for fur-
ther damages for such offence, if the sum or sums herein
mentioned, be not sufficient to repair and satisfy such
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That the president and direc-
tors of the said bridge, shall have authority, and they are
hereby authorised to prohibit, by notice affixed upon some
conspicuous part of said bridge, all persons from discharging
any guns, muskets, or fire arms whatever, upon the said
bridge, under penalty of five dollars for every such of-
fence, to be recovered before any justice of the peace, in
Baltimore county, to be applied to the use of said county.
Sec. 16. And be it enacted, That if at any time hereafter
any obstructions to the navigation of the middle branch of
the Patapsco river, should arise from the construction of
the bridge authorised to be constructed by this act, so as to
impede the free passage of such boats or vessels as are or
may be used on said river, the president or directors of said
bridge shall be liable to indictment, in any court of Balti-
more county, for occasioning such obstructions, and upon,
conviction thereof, shall be adjudged by the court in which
conviction takes place, to remove all such obstructions at
his or their own expense, and it such obstructions shall not
be removed agreeably to judgment of said court, within
sixty days thereafter, then it shall be the duty of said court,
upon proof of neglect or refusal of the president or directors
of said bridge, to obey the judgment of said court within
said period, to impose on said president and diiectors, such
fine as shey may deem adequate to the removal of such ob-
structions, to be collected with the costs of prosecution, as
other fines, and to be applied under the direction of said
court, for the removal of said obstructions.
For protecting the
Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That in case the cost of the ,
necessary landing places which may be required for the
Landing places, &c