CHAP 325
said bridge, cannot be agreed upon, the same shall be esti-
mated and determined by one person, to be chosen by the
owner or owners of such landing place or places, and one
by the directors of the company, who shall have power in
case of disagreement, to choose an umprre whose award
shall be final and conclusive, the payment for such landing
places, to be made in money or stock, at the option of the
party owning the same, and such payment being made o
offered to be made, the title thereof shall immediately vest
in the said company
Sec 18 And be it enacted, that if the aforesaid bridge
be not commenced within one year and completed within
three years from the passage of this act, then and in such
case, all the privileges hereby granted, shall cease Provid-
Approral required
ed always, that the legislature may modify or repeal this act,
or any of its provisions, at any time after twenty five years
from the passing thereof, Provided further, that this act shall
have no effect or force, unless first approved by the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore
Passed Mar 21 1835
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act relating to the Records
of Conveyances in the several counties of this State passed
at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty three,
chapter eighty eight
Compensation for
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma
ryland, That the clerks of the several county courts of this
State, shall receive, for making the records referred to in the
first section of the act, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty thiee, chapter eighty eight, entitled, an
act relating to the record of conveyances in the several
counties of this State, to which this rs a supplement, the
same compensation to which they are now entitled by law
lor recording any matter or thing required to be recorded,
to be levied and collected as other county charges now are
Provided that any one or more of the judges of the county
courts shall certify to the levy courts or commissioners that
the services have been performed
Sec 2 And be it enacted, That the second section of
the original act, to which this is a supplement, he, and the
same rs hereby repealed
Sec 3 And be it enacted, That the provisions of this
act shall not be construed to apply to Baltimore county