CHAP. 28_
writing under their hands and seals o! the said new election
district, specifying plainly the boundaries and cumber of
the said new electron district, and also the place where the
electron for said new election district shall be held, and the
said clerk shall record the same in the records of the said
county, and it shall be the duty of the clerk of Frederick
county court to cause a copy of the description of the said
district to be published at least four times in two newspa-
pers printed in Frederick county previous to the next elec-
tion, setting forth in said copy the description aforesaid, the
place appointed by the commissioners for holding elections
Represented in the
Levy court
Sec 5 And be it enacted, That when the said new election
district shall be so laid off by the said commissioners, or a
majority of them, as aforesaid, that then and forever thence
forth, the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to a represen-
tation in the Levy Court of the said county, which court
shall appoint judges of the elections, and be in all respects
entitled to all the rights, liberties and privileges, held and
enjoyed, and to be held and enjoyed by the other election
districts in said county
Sec 6 And be it enacted, That each commissioner shall
be entitled to two dollars per day for every day he shall
act in the discharge of the duties imposed by the provisions
of this act, and that the surveyor employed shall receive a
just and reasonable compensation for his services, and that
all other contingent expenses, fees and charges incurred
under the provisions of this act, shall be assessed and levied
by the levy Court of Frederick county, as other county
charges are, which when levied and collected, shall be paid
over as other county charges are, to persons respectively
entitled thereto.
Pasted Jan. 24, 1835
An act to Incorporate the Baltimore Beneficial Society
WHEREAS, Samuel Cornelius, John J Daneker, George
C. Addison, Thomas France, Isaac S Addison, Daniel M
Reese, Conduce Gatch, Samuel Guest, Edward Heffner,
and James McCleary, and others, have formed themselves
into a society for the laudable purpose of affording relief to
each other and their respective families, in the event of
sickness, distress and death, and have prayed an act of in-