Baltimore, which is situate between Hanover street, on the
east side, and Sharp street on the west side, be and is
hereby declared to be free and exempt from the operation
of the sixteenth section of the act of eighteen hundred and
seventeen, chapter one hundred and forty eight, entitled
"An act relating to the city of Baltimore, " and to be closed,
Provided however, that this act of assembly shall have no
legal force or effect, unless approved of by an ordinance of
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
Sec 2 And be it enacted, That before any ordinance
shall pass, as aforesaid for closing Peace Alley, notice for
at least ten days, of said application having been made for
the closing thereof, shall be given by the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, by advertising in all the daily papers
of the city of Baltimore, the expense of said advertisements
Notice required
to be paid by the party who may apply for the passage of
said ordinance
An act to authorise Thomas Baldwin, present Sheriff of Prince
George's county to bond as Sheriff of said county at any
time before the first day of February next, and to authorise
the clerk of said county to receive and record said bond.
Passed Jan 10 1835
SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas Baldwin, the present sheriff of
Prince George's county, be and heirs hereby authorised to
bond as sheriff of said county at any time before the first
day of February next, Provided, the said bond shall be
approved and attested according to law, and provided, that
in addition to the condition of sheriff's bond prescribed by
the existing laws of this State, the bond to be given in
virtue of this act, shall contain the following condition to
wit — the further condition of this obligation is such that
the above obligation shall not be null and void, unless the
above bound Thos Baldwin shall, in all respects, well and
faithfully perform and execute all the duties prescribed in the
preceding condition to this obligation, and by the existing laws
of this State, in all cases of process, which may have come
to his hands between the expiration of his bond as sheriff
for the last year, and the date of this obligation, as fully
and completely, as if this obligation bore date anterior to
Condition required